Blog Posts

Half the World

The band, Rush, started a philosophical song, Half The World like this:

Half the world hates
What half the world does every day

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Who Was Saint Patrick

While Patrick is associated with Ireland, he was actually from the British Isles, possibly the northern territories close to Scotland. The Isles were under Roman authority during his lifetime and taken together with Patrick’s writings, he was a proud Roman citizen, though it is not likely he had any direct experience with Rome. The British Isles were on the fringes of the empire leaving very few Roman soldiers stationed on the island making the area rife with raids from the surrounding countries.

Read more: Who Was Saint Patrick

The Jesus You Cant Ignore

When you think of Jesus, what comes to mind? I suppose some whom are outside the Kingdom of Heaven will either think of Jesus as a myth or a “great teacher” (whom they will not learn from). Some believers may think to Him on the cross or the sins of their past that God has forgiven. Some will think of Him as being a quiet, mild-mannered man who always had a smile on his face like is shown in the Sunday school pictures.

Read more: The Jesus You Cant Ignore

The Joker: A Christian Response

The new Joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix has been stirring up some controversy lately, and when I see a film being hotly debated in the media, I want to have a look to see if any truth can be found to the various debates. The arguments with this film include the common ‘copycat’ concern, rightfully intensified by the Aurora, CO shooting at the opening of Dark Night Rises, but I have also seem some parties asking if we need another movie with a crazy white killer! Yes, people have been crawling out of the woodwork to talk about the Joker movie.

Read more: The Joker: A Christian Response

Thomas Murosky

Thomas Murosky is an author and technologist writing on Christian, Technology, and Science Fiction.
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