Half My Life

How can I introduce my life without tipping my hand to enough detail that you will not need to the rest of this book? I am thinking this as I write the Introduction: Take Two. I wrote so much, and that which I wrote, I absolutely loved, but it was too much, it tipped my hand, it was a spoiler of the story to come. So I hit the delete key to write a simple message instead.

Hezekiah's Prayer

Who is King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah was considered the most righteous king during Israel’s divided kingdom period. Both his father and son were also considered among the most wicked of kings, but sandwiched between them was Hezekiah, a man of prayer who would be tested by threat of destruction and the loss of life from illness. He humbly sought God in prayer and was delivered for his righteousness. In this book, we will learn about this king and more importantly, we will glean wisdom to help our own prayer life become strong. By the of this book, you will have an understanding of what God looks for in a person of prayer. We will examine some basic guidelines for effective prayer and learn to develop a habit of bringing our requests before the Lord.

Happy Hellidays

Is Christmas just a repackaged Pagan holiday? Should we worry about dressing in a costume in October as being akin to worshiping the Devil? Why do we give people pink candies in the middle of February every year?

Josiah's Sanctification

Who is King Josiah

King Josiah inherited a kingdom in ruin and under God’s judgment. He heard a message of destruction from the true prophets and changed his ways, but quickly found out sincere faith is not enough! While cleaning idol worship out of his kingdom and placing the temple in order, the workers discovered the Book of the Law. When the words of the Law were read to Josiah, he humbled himself before God and started following the instructions in the book. Like Josiah, we are called to live by the instructions in the Bible. Sanctification is the process of becoming more like Christ by living by the Word. This book teaches us what King Josiah learned about being sanctified. At the end of this book you will know the importance of obeying the Bible and establish a plan to learn what God’s Word teaches us so we can put the teachings into practice.

I AM not amused

Media Entertainment has taken over the western world and with every passing year it overtakes us with increasing voracity. As Christians, we have a duty to be salt and light in a waning world and that is where I AM Not Amused enters the picture. Two errors have arisen in the Christian world with regards to entertainment:

Art of Shallow Neighboring

When Jesus was asked to sum up the whole huge leather Bible into one simple phrase, he actually gave us two commandments. But modern evangelicals have short attention spans and only heard that we should love our neighbor. Christians everywhere have bought ineffective refrigerator magnets and bumper stickers, but in this book, we will give you better stickers and magnets because we finally found the perfect formula to honor God through block parties!

Testing and Temptations

Our America is one where many Christians do not live life like Christ nor do they read the Bible. The average American Christian is not engaged in service and gives less to the cause of Christ than they do for their entertainment. As part of the church, we need to be walking like Christ and encouraging others. Testing and Temptations will guide you through living for Christ in the midst of trials in your life.

Thomas Murosky

Thomas Murosky is an author and technologist writing on Christian, Technology, and Science Fiction.
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