Hezekiah's Prayer

Hezekiah's Prayer

Who is King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah was considered the most righteous king during Israel’s divided kingdom period. Both his father and son were also considered among the most wicked of kings, but sandwiched between them was Hezekiah, a man of prayer who would be tested by threat of destruction and the loss of life from illness. He humbly sought God in prayer and was delivered for his righteousness. In this book, we will learn about this king and more importantly, we will glean wisdom to help our own prayer life become strong. By the of this book, you will have an understanding of what God looks for in a person of prayer. We will examine some basic guidelines for effective prayer and learn to develop a habit of bringing our requests before the Lord.

What Can we Learn From Him

In this book, we tackle the nuances of prayer as a primer starting with learning objectives to guide what we hope will be useful to organize our thoughts on the subject of prayer with the final goal of being more consistent and devoted in our prayer life.

We will draw our examples primarily from the life of Hezekiah, but will also pull in other related scriptures. Our focus on Hezekiah starts with his father, Ahaz, before looking at the circumstances that made Hezekiah the most dedicated king in the days of the divided kingdom.

Next, we look at the two major prayers in the king’s life and how God answered those prayers, focusing our study on what we can learn from his prayers and how God answered them.

We conclude the book with a chapter on bringing the ideas together and putting the steps into action by creating a model for our prayer life to hopefully build a habit of consistent and effective prayer.

How to Read this Book

This book is written in an easy to read format and each point draws on the prior sections. The chapters can be read in about 10-20 minutes each for an average person, and they are full of history about Hezekiah and how to apply his life to our New Testament living. The book can be easily read in a single sitting, or over a week very reflectively. The final chapter gives some plans and strategies to put the contents of this book into place.

Kings of All Creation Series

This series was written to learn New Testament principles from Old Testament kings and prophets in a way that is easy to digest. The period of the kings contain rich lessons that are applicable for today. We will explain the lives of kings and prophets in a way anyone can understand. Join us as we look through the life of the kings to learn how to obey Christ in our lives today.

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Thomas Murosky

Thomas Murosky is an author and technologist writing on Christian, Technology, and Science Fiction.
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